
Yes, this is a world which belong to me, where i can express myself freely here. But this is not a normal world. At here, snow is no longer white; shiny day also won't appear here. Here is the hell for a dark angel, a world which belong to the dark angel.


Thursday, 6 August 2009

Music @ Songs

First of all, i want to ask a question which is totally irrelevant to the title.

"What happen to me?"

Recently i keep on feeling uncomfortable or uneasy on something, but i don't know what is it. I feel like everything is not on the right track; like something weird had happen (but i don't know what happen actually), is just some feeling that keep creep me out. Until yesterday, i think i figure it out. For some reason, something or someone that i thought i had let it go long ago; in fact, it doesn't, it still alive within me (somehow somewhere within me).

How i figure this out? Well, last night i was listening to music while i am driving home. In fact, it is just a song, one particular song that i played it repeatedly for the whole journey home. It is a chinese song, a new song "Tank - 如果我变成回忆"...
It is a sad song; and i was touched by the lyrics so much. The song keep on playing and playing; my mind keep on flash back some memories, very clear yet blur memories, which i confused so much. I thought i had let it go. But why now still able to haunt me? I don't know. But i do know, very weird, i enjoy the moment, the silent moment, me alone in the car listening to the repeated same song, i enjoy this moment, is like the world had freeze and it just left me alone. But too bad, such a nice song, very touching lyrics which pull me deep into deep dreamy imagination; but in reality, i never had such imagined moment in my life.


OMG! What i am typing now? What i try to tell here? I don't know anymore...
Well, just share this song's lyric here; please enjoy it...

Tank - 如果我变成回忆

累了 照惯例努力清醒着
也照惯例 想你了
心跳在梦中 不听话的 就停止了

听着 呼吸像浪潮拍动着
如果我连自己的脉搏 都难掌握

如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命
留下你错愕哭泣 我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
想到我让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行
我会恨自己 如此狠心

如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
没机会白着头发 蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你 我不怪你

快乐 什么时候会结束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最舍不得

如果我变成回忆 最怕我太不争气
顽固地赖在空气 霸占你心里 每一寸缝隙连累
这样不公平 请你尽力 把我忘记


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