
Yes, this is a world which belong to me, where i can express myself freely here. But this is not a normal world. At here, snow is no longer white; shiny day also won't appear here. Here is the hell for a dark angel, a world which belong to the dark angel.


Monday, 15 March 2010

Nice Job... which i don't like!

Currently i am a Quality Assurance Engineer in an IT company which named as "Docuflo (MSC) Sdn Bhd" or "InfoConnect Sdn Bhd". My job functions, as can see from the position title, is about the software quality, which i have to perform software testing.


After CNY until now, 3 weeks, me and my colleagues had been through the most stupid 3 weeks of working life. Don't really have much task to do, even i have go and request for a new task, but still same result - quite free 3 weeks time.

Request for more task:

Unclosed task pending at developer site for debugging - get no response from them after i send an email to request for response (here, unwritten company policy, if i send too much email, i am fighting cock, i am cari gaduh, i play office politic; if i didn't, CEO cannot see what i had done, where i have nothing to write in my weekly report, then CEO will think that i am slacking all the time in office?)

New task that coming soon - i ask for dateline, because i want to know more clearly so that me and my colleague can follow up on it to ensure no delay on developer to send for testing; answer i get is, YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW DATELINE... why? Don't i have the right to know the dateline of what i will do later on?

Training - yeah, while we are free (because we also not free all the time), is good to have some training to improve our skills and all that; BUT... push here push there, taichi here taichi there, answer i get is - A: already inform B that you have interest to attend training, B will register for you; another version from B: i did not get any information from A that you want to join, so didn't register for you. Good taichi skill? But in the first place, is not i go and ask for training, is you guys said want to send me for training!

Worst to come, software testing is software testing, why differentiate with project based and non-project based? Why? Well, i don't mind to test on all kind of software. But why? Why company do not allow? Why must we just test on a fixed thing? I understand that project based task have customer to test for us on their site. But wouldn't it be better if we test it internally first and we present the version with minimal bugs and errors to customer? Isn't it better in this way? Why even i request want to help to test on my free time but all i get is deny.

I don't understand. Maybe things did not work as easy as i think. Maybe upper level do have their difficulties that i cannot foreseen. But me... as an employee here, this is what i think while i am still on job. Would it be better if someone can explain to us that how things work around? Why everything have to be so secretive? Or maybe is just me being too childish where everywhere else is having such working environment? I don't know.


I do know that is time for me to leave and go explore more in the outside world; rather than just work still on a same single company. Is time to go...

PS: Yeah, it is a nice job, in fact, quite free on working hours where still can get stable income monthly... But i don't like it, i am eager for a more challenging job...

1 comment:

  1. although good benefits, but if continue like that will die....i go taiwan in that moment, u will got alot of task to do...no worry wuahaha...btw..i agree with ur statement which is quality assurance for a project / company product is no differentiate..we just do the same part with using the same skill...is to make sure the quality of the software...and now...we already done on our part...now the MYIPO is in progress & u already discover alot of bugs...sooner or later..sure will ask us to check...i believe...
