
Yes, this is a world which belong to me, where i can express myself freely here. But this is not a normal world. At here, snow is no longer white; shiny day also won't appear here. Here is the hell for a dark angel, a world which belong to the dark angel.


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Q & A

I didn't expect any answer or reply anymore...
Yeah, i was over sensitive i assume...
But now i wake up already, i am nothing more than just a normal friends...
I get my answer already, thanks ^^

1 comment:

  1. 你知道吗?看了你的blog,都会让我想太多,变得沮丧。好多次我都叫我自己别再上来你的blog了,次次都失败。我也叫自己试着别再那么在乎你,明知没有结果,但结果还是放不下。。。唉
