
Yes, this is a world which belong to me, where i can express myself freely here. But this is not a normal world. At here, snow is no longer white; shiny day also won't appear here. Here is the hell for a dark angel, a world which belong to the dark angel.


Saturday 27 March 2010

Happy Birthday...... to MYSELF!!!

27 years old LOL... Time flies and i am getting older and older each and every seconds. Haha... another normal birthday, no celebration, not much wishes, and even myself also almost forget about this day. Thanks to friends who wish me anyway, that remind me, this is my birthday today. Thanks, i appreciate it a lot.

Anyway, this super LESS wishes which compare to a normal person (which i am abnormal?), make me realize that, in fact, i really don't have much friends. 原来我的人缘还真的很差;源河,你讲对了。I really not dare to say that i am a good friend to everyone; i do know about all my weakness. But i really use my heart to treat my friends sincerely. Maybe i done it in a wrong way? Because i do know that no one feel my sincerity. What a loser in life...

Sigh... Don't know what to say anymore. Again, i really thanks to friends who remember my birthday and wish me. And i would like to thanks to friends who forgot as well, you really teach me a lesson... as i thought that you are my close or good friend, but in fact, i am just nothing. Is time for me to improve myself already.


我知道傷心不能改變什麼 那麼 讓我誠實一點
誠實 難免有不能控制的宣洩 只要關上了門 不必理誰

一個人坐在空盪包廂裡面 手機 讓它休息一夜
難 像切歌切掉回憶的畫面 眼淚不能流過十二點

生日快樂 我對自己說 蠟燭點了 寂寞亮了
生日快樂 淚也融了 我要謝謝你給的你拿走的一切

還愛你 帶一點恨 還要時間 才能平衡
熱戀傷痕 幻滅重生 祝我生日快樂

Terry: 祝我生日快乐!


Good night!


  1. 哥~有我在啊~生日快乐!!别不开心啦~你不开心我也会不开心的~T^T...

  2. Halo...Terry...Happy Birthday to u lo...wish u all the best in ur life and enjoy ur big day lo..finally wish u happy birthday lo...


  3. happy belated birthday!you don't need a bunch of friends to be there for your birthday.sometimes,even one soul mate is enough.cheers!

  4. Thanks all.

    Especially to my Danson 傻瓜小雄弟弟。。。
